About Us
Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust-Lesotho is a local chapter of the regional Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education (WLSA) is was established as a regional research project in 1989 by researchers from Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In June 1998, WLSA was established as a Research and Educational Trust including Malawi as the seventh member country. In Lesotho WLSA is registered as an NGO under Society Act registration number 2000/101.
Founded in 1989
& Growing Fast
The trust is an NGO pursuing women’s human rights in legal context. Since 1989, WLSA has undertaken research and advocacy in:
Inheritance Law (1994)
Maintenance Law (1991)
Beyond Inequalities (1997)
Family Belonging for Women in Lesotho (2002)
Gender, HIV, AIDS, and the law (2008)
We strive to bring out the best in you.
WLSA’s mission is to contribute to the socio-economic political and legal advancement of women and children specifically in the WLSA countries through:
- Collaborative strategic and action research in the socio-legal field.
- Lobbying for legal reforms and policy changes on laws and practices that discriminate and disadvantage women.
- Improving legislation that protects women’s legal rights.
- Enhance justice sector capacity to interpret and enforce women’s legal rights.
- Increase public awareness of women’s legal rights.
Shaping A Place For Women
Our vision is of a society where justice is equitably accessed, claimed and enjoyed by women and girls in all spheres of life.

The objectives of WLSA Lesotho shall be to improve the legal status of women in Lesotho.
WLSA Lesotho shall:
1.1 Carry out activist research and review any laws in Lesotho and identify areas or/and matters that could be introduced, improved, abolished or modified so as to improve the legal status of women.
1.2 Liaise with Government of Lesotho and any other organisations and bodies, national and international, with a view to facilitating the implementation of the introduction, improvement, abolition or modification contemplated in 1.1 above;
1.3 Organize conference, workshops, seminars and meetings for the purpose of sharing WLSA research results, and other bodies about the issues that affect the dignity, human and legal rights of women;
1.4 Provide, or procure provision by others, advisory or counselling services to women whose legal rights have been accuse;
1.5 Conduct training 0f trainers (paralegals) with aim legal rights, gender and human rights education at community level, refer and link beneficiaries with healthcare providers and law enforcement agencies.
1.6 Provide strategic litigation services including registration of deeds.