SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN LESOTHO: The Realities of Justice for Women Sexual violence In Lesotho

Sexual Violence in Lesotho: The Realities of Justice for Women is the second stage report of the fourth phase of WLSA research undertaken over a period of two and a half years 1998-2001. The study was conducted by a team of seven researchers made up of lawyers, gender experts and social scientists. The report raises issue with lack of uniformity in the perception and adjudication of sexual violence as a crime and violation of women’s human rights.

IN SEARCH OF JUSTICE: Where Do Women In Lesotho Go? IN SEARCH OF JUSTICE In Search of Justice: Where Do Women In Lesotho Go? is a first stage report of the fourth phase of WLSA research. It was undertaken by a team of seven researchers, some of whom are lawyers and others, social scientists. This report presents the results of a study undertaken over a period of three years, from 1997-2000. The study presents an analysis of structures of justice in Lesotho and justice from women’s point of view and looks at the structures of justice as well as the personnel in them. GENDER, HIV/AIDS AND THE LAW IN LESOTHO GENDER, HIV&AIDS AND THE LAW IN LESOTHO Gender HIV and AIDS and the Law in Lesotho: Embracing Rights-Based Approach to Promote Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights; is a report of phase five of Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Education Trust (WLSA) research, conducted by a team of five researchers some of whom are lawyers and others are social scientists. It presents the results of a study undertaken over a period of six years from 2001-2007. The study presents an analysis and review of issues around HIV and AIDS, transmission, sexual and reproductive rights, and women and girls’ vulnerability to the effects of gender inequality and the HIV pandemic in Lesotho. FAMILY BELONGING FOR WOMEN IN LESOTHO

Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Trust Lesotho proudly presents a fourth publication on the situation of women in the families in Lesotho. It presents the results of a research study undertaken from 1994-1997. This book is published after two major international events; the first one was a celebration of 1994 as an international year of the family. The timely coincidence of the inception of this study in the same year has marked WLSA’s efforts and contribution in the area of family law. The second event was the preparation for and launching of the Fourth World Conference on Women.

BEYOND INEQUALITIES: Women In Lesotho Sexual Violence in Lesotho: The Realities of Justice for Women is the second stage report of the fourth phase of WLSA research undertaken over a period of two and a half years 1998-2001. The study was conducted by a team of seven researchers made up of lawyers, gender experts and social scientists. The report raises issue with lack of uniformity in the perception and adjudication of sexual violence as a crime and violation of women’s human rights. It documents the experiences and problems that women and girl children encounter when they have been violated.